Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trying Something New

With all of the articles about the benefits of switching over to natural and organic foods, I have decided to give it a try. I have a skin condition called psoriasis, and it has been linked to unhealthy eating habits. So for at least the next 40 days, I am going to try an experiment. I am only going to eat organic or natural foods. No chemicals, or processed foods for me. I want to see if changing what I put into my body has an effect on my skin condition, mood, or any other factor in my daily life.

Also, it is a common thought that eating Organic is much more expensive than everyday brands. I went to Trader Joes this morning and was able to get three full bags of groceries for $58. (and not plasitc bags) Included in that was yogurt, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, juice, chicken breasts, low sodium turkey, cheese, soup, oranges and bananas, cereal, milk, tea, and bread. All of it organic or all natural. Also, in this experiment of mine, I am hoping that in only using my own food, and only really getting things that I have to prepare, I will be able to control my eating habits even more, thus jumpstarting my weightloss, which has stalled and backtracked a bit.

I plan on taking random notes about my moods, skin, and general wellness feelings, and I am eager to see if there are any changes.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."  ~Proverb

Today was a beautiful day. It always suprises me that when the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and everything just seems right that I get in a mood to clean and do yardwork. I've cleaned my car, bedroom, the kitchen, the living room, the bathrooms, and now I'm headed outside for some pre-spring yard work.

I've collected some good quality compost from one of the places where I work, and I have to say that I can not wait until planting time. The dirt is rich and full of worms and I know that my plants will be happy dining on the nutrients in the soil. I am excited for gardening, and I can not wait until I can harvest the first crops of lettuce and peas, and beans. I am very eager to plant and work with vegetables that I know where they come from, and what's been done to them. I plan on not using any kind of pesticide, or non organic fertilizer. I want a completely natural garden that produces lush veggies and greens.

I hope everyone has enjoyed the beautiful weather! Go out and have some fun!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

And Another Lap on the Merry-Go-Round

"Failure doesn't mean you are a failure... it just means you haven't succeeded yet."  ~Robert Schuller
Today is February 19th, 2011. I started this chapter of my lifestyle change on August 20th, 2010. That means in 6 months I have lost approximately 40lbs. My goal is to lose at least another 30 by the end of June.

Now, seeing my goals laid out in front of me, I have to remind myself to not give up. The other day I was thinking about how many times I have fallen back on old habits, and gotten off track. It made me wonder if there is a limit to how many times we are allowed to fall off of that metaphorical wagon. I came to the conclusion that the only limit it might have is the one we give it. As long as we are willing to pick ourselves up from the ground, brush off the dirt and dust, chase that wagon down and catch it again, we are still allowed to get back on.

I have to admit that these past two weeks have been hard. I found myself  "starving" and in a hurry to I zipped through a fast food drive through... and it opened the flood gates. I found myself in a drive through three times that week. Three times! Before that, I hadn't been to fast food in over 5 months! It took me almost a week to be able to control myself again, but the damage had been done. Along with the pounds I gained, I also opened myself up to the mental challenge of driving by all of those food places along my route. For the last few days, I have found myself having the same argument with that voice in my head that tells me it's ok to just grab some food. And I can say that it's hard to argue with yourself. I find my hands tighten on the wheel, and my back tenses up. In hindsight, it's really quite pathetic and silly, but because it's happend before, I know a bit of how my mind works.

So as of today, it's been over a week now since I cracked, and I'm doing better. Not perfectly, but better, and next week, I'll be even better then this week. I just have to keep my chin up, accept my mistakes, and move on. Spring is around the corner, and I know with all the planting and yard work and jobs I'll be too busy to even think about eating badly. June is right behind spring, and I have to be ready for it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fell Off the Wagon

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.  ~Henry Ford"

One thing I have learned about weight loss, and my journey to a healthier me is that the ride is riddled with bumps and dips. Today was one of those really bumpy days that tossed me out of the wagon.

One of my biggest problems is not what I eat, but how much. Today found me snacking, and not really paying attention to what I was putting in my mouth. I ate entirely too much today, and did not counter it with exercise. I believe my problem lies in my reading while eating. For example, in the morning, I read the newspaper while eating my breakfast, and today there was a plethera of interesting articles that I read, rather than the one or two I scan before heading to the comics.(I'm a fan of Stone Soup) So, I did not even realize until later that when I do that, I tend to pour myself a second bowl of cereal, to occupy my mouth while my brain is busy. I really need to break that habit.

The rest of the day found me just snacking all day long. It was like once I broke routine by the morning's second bowl, that was it. I could not seem to get control of myself. And it was frustrating! These are all things that in my head I KNOW I shouldn't do, but then I go and do them anyway. I mean seriously, why don't I grab a shovel and dig myself a deeper hole?

But, alas, I cannot dwell on these kinds of things, because I am an emotional eater. My eating is tied to my feelings, and while I'm slowly cutting through the strings attaching it, they still hold on. I wasn't "good" today. Alright, I accept that. Now to move on to a new day. If I end up beating myself up everytime I had a "whoopsie" moment, I'd be black and blue by the end of the week! I have found that the best way is to simply acknowledge the mistake, then carry on down the path towards a healthier lifestyle. So now I know that I wasn't the greatest today, but tomorrow shall be better. A new day, and a "refresh" button for me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hitting the Wall

There is a saying among marathon runners, it is "hitting the wall". This refers to when a runner is on a good pace, when all of a sudden, WHAM, they are completely fatigued and feel as if they can no longer continue. But, if they push through it, continue taking step after step, they soon are through that wall and on their way again.

I have found that in weight loss, the same saying applies. After losing 37lbs, I found myself stuck, unable to move away from that number. The holidays came, I gained some weight back, but managed to lose it again. However, the scale stubbornly stayed still, as if mocking my efforts to "push through the wall".

Today I did it. I moved past that looming number, and now that I have, I feel as though I can do anything. Only 4 months ago, I weight 38lbs heavier than I do today. I was wearing a size 20 pants, and XL teeshits. Today, more often than not I'm in a size 16, and Larges are starting to be big on me. (though, my ample chest will keep me in the for a while yet)

Anything is possible if you put your mind to it I'm finding. I wish I had come to this conclusion while still in high school, but then again, I'm blessed in the fact that I still have a lot of years left where I can put this revelation to use.

So I say, perservere through your troubles. If you keep at it, eventually something will give, and you too will know that anything is possible.

"Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.  Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before."  ~Jacob A. Riis

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Step Two: Exercise

I was watching TV recently and I was amazed by the sheer amount of products out there that claim to be the "miracle fat cure". So many ads scream out at us, "Take this and without changing your diet or habits, you'll lose 30lbs!"


Yeah right. In all of my exploration into healthy weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, the best way to do it is a simple math problem. Input less than you output. Eat less than you burn. Simple right? But if we are not doing anything during the day besides walking the distance from our house to our car, then to the office, then back again, we really aren't doing anything at all. The first step is to just move more. I dont me that everyone has to go out and run a marathon! I know I can't! But the first step is to just do more. So I started parking farther away from the front of the grocery store. I don't use a remote when I watch TV (I get up and change the channel) I make an effort to walk to the store when my list isn't that big.

And I will admit, that for Christmas, my family got the Kinect for XBOX. I want to personally thank Microsoft for giving people the opprotunity to have fun with friends while they play games and exercise. When a group of your friends are over, everyone stops thinking about how silly they might look, and just go at it! Jumping and swinging and dodging, it gets your heart rate up so fast! I have worked out many times now with the Kinect. I feel better about it because while I'm getting better, my self confidence levels when it comes to exercisiing in public are still pretty low. With the Kinect, I am safely tucked away in my house and I can do the workout routines without worrying about other people seeing me.

My challenge to you is to just get up and move a little more this week. Take a half hour walk in a nearby park, or maybe head to a local pool and swim. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, take a hike, or go biking down the centennial trail. Anything to get up and exercising. I know I'll be doing a lot this week. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Step One: Eat Better

When I finally woke up and realized that I had a problem with my weight I will admit that I floundered for a bit. I really had no knowledge of any way to lose weight safely, and while I had lost weight before playing on my high school's volleyball team, I never really addressed the real problem. That would be my eating habits.

America is fond of  convenience. I could go to the grocery store and easily buy over 100 items for dinner that all is required is for me to put it into the microwave and press start. For a long while I accepted this as normal, and that it was fine to eat that for dinner. Then, I started reading books and magazines about healthy food choices, and wouldn't you know it, but none of those insta-dinners were on the list? I started reading about healthy substitutions for things I had always loved. For example, rather than using ground beef in pasta sauce, I now used ground turkey. And instead of all pasta, I now use thin sliced zucchini for some of the "pasta" It really does taste great!

My other problem was just over eating. Did you know the average size of a human stomach is about the size of an adult fist? It can expand greatly to hold more, but just because it can, doesn't mean that we should! My first step to tackling my overeating problem was to use smaller plates and bowls. When I limited myself to those smaller containers, I found myself eating less. I was inclined to not fill the giant plates, and when I finished eating I found i was sated, not stuffed.

The other thing that happend was I met some truely wonderful people. These friends of mine own small local farms, and I have learned a lot about local food, both plants and animals. Last year was the first year I had ever planted a garden and had eaten anything out of it. This year I plan on expanding that garden, and increasing the kinds of plants I will grow. From fresh tomatoes to all kinds of squash, to different herbs, and corn. Onions, carrots, potatoes, stawberries! Anything I can get my hands on and plant! In fact, we are building a greenhouse to start off some of our plants early, and I can not wait until it's finished!

So remember, eat smaller portions, watch your fat content, and your sodium levels. The more color in your veggies, the better they are for you, and fruits are always good! Don't completely deny yourself of the foods your enjoy (like chocolate) But rather, eat them in moderation. Enjoy your food, but don't go crazy.